
We Meet Here

Randolph Diner

We used to network here.  (Note the coordinates.)


Message from the President

To our Colleagues in the Morris-Essex Chapter of the IMA:

Welcome to our 2023-24 Chapter year for the Morris-Essex Chapter of the IMA!... Read More

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Chapter News

Please visit our Chapter LinkedIn page and follow us for the latest Chapter news!

Read our latest Chapter newsletters here:
April 2020 Newsletter

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Latest Discussions

The Morris-Essex Chapter board is planning for the 2023-24 chapter year.  We are looking at holding some on-line events, some in-person, and some hybrid.

When we return to in-person meetings, we may continue to meet at the Randolph Diner (aka The Grove at Randolph) on Route 10 in Randolph.  The address is 517, and it is located on the south side of route 10 at the intersection with Center Grove Road.  We are also considering other venues for meetings.

Stay tuned.

Chapter Events

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